Our team of pest control experts has years of experience and knowledge dealing with woodworm.
Species of Woodworm
There are four main types of woodworm found in the UK:
- Furniture Beetle – this species of woodworm is commonly and feeds on both hardwoods and softwoods.
- Longhorn Beetle – this beetle is attracted to softwoods. Roof timbers are an ideal nesting ground for the longhorn beetle and in warm weather it flies, causing an infestation to spread to neighbouring properties.
- Deathwatch Beetle – the deathwatch beetle makes a ticking noise when mating, which is where it gets its name and which can be a tell-tale sign of an infestation. It can also be difficult to eradicate, so it is best to get help from professionals.
- Powderpost Beetle – this species is a hardwood eater and can completely destroy timber.