Moles can really cause a mess in a garden . Moles are able to dig approximately 18 feet in just one hour in moist earth making them extremely difficult to is therefore essential to use a Mole catcher to carry out Mole trapping Asap.
it is simply devastating to home owners. to see piles of earth everywhere .By creating tunnels the Mole can destroy whole root systems and plants and trees can easily die as a result of the tunnelling underneath . If you have a mole problem and you enjoy your garden’s appearance, it needs to be dealt with as a matter of urgency pest control moles needs to start as early as possible
Moles love moist earth in the moist earth there is a ready supply of earth worms which is the the staple diet source of food for moles.
zthe mole (Talpa europaea) leaves small hills as it excavates its way across grassy areas, often leading to its persecution. Moles used to be trapped for their velvety pelts but now, despite the fact they are good for draining soil and eating harmful insect larvae, they are killed mostly because they wreck golf greens and lawns.
Despite these attacks, moles seem remarkably resilient. They live in semi-permanent burrows, sometimes hundreds of metres long, at various depths to allow for droughts and, in the winter, low temperatures. They are powerful diggers with spade-like front legs, a pink pointed snout, tiny eyes and a short tail. They weigh 80g and need to eat 50g of worms a day to survive. To ensure a regular supply, they bite worms in the head to immobilise them, then store them in chambers, dozens at a time.
Adult moles are most at risk in spring when the males enlarge their territories, tunnelling through ever-larger areas in search of females. Nests lined with a ball of dry plant material are used for sleeping and raising litters of three to four. At a month old the young disperse above ground to find their own homes, their time of greatest danger
At Keighley Pest Control we understand the sheer frustration that Moles can cause our Customers . We regularly see the damage that these mammals do to the ground .
if Mole Hills are left they will grow grass over them making it nigh on impossible to cut the grass.
We offer a wide range of both residential and commercial pest control services to businesses of all sizes. Our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, our team of experts will work with you to create a pest-free environment for your employees and customers.
Keighley Pest control can offer several Solutions to help alleviate your Mole problem and your stress and anxiety .
We have used nearly all the traps on the market over the years to catch moles and we strongly favour the use of Putange traps however these can be difficult to set for first time users which is why we would suggest that If you have Moles in Your Garden or place of work that you seek the services of a professional Pest Controller .
In extreme cases we will use a gas that is released into the run instantly killing ALL moles that are down in the burrow . Gas is especially effective where space or access is limited .
for further details please call us on the following number or email us
A Female Mole will raise around 4 Moles at a time
Moles can be aggressive and will bite if captured alive
TEL TELEPHONE 07961464242