The rise of bed bugs has become a growing concern for households worldwide, as their resilience and ability to spread continue to cause havoc. At Keighley Pest Control, located in Keighley we serve West Yorkshire area, we understand the frustration and stress that comes with dealing with bedbugs. As experts in bed bug pest control, we know how important it is for homeowners to be informed about these stubborn pests.
Bedbug bites are itchy, raised bumps that are often red on white skin and purple on darker skin. They can appear in lines or clusters, and are usually found on the face, neck, arms, and hands. Symptoms
When to seek medical attention
What does a bed bugs poop look like?Bed bug poop appears as clusters of tiny spots on your bed. The droppings consist of digested blood, so they will no longer be red once they dry. The spots will be darker, rust-colored, or black and are about the size of a dot from a marker.
Bed bugs go through 4 life cycles to get to each stage (Stages are called instars) the bedbug must feed . The image on the left is an actual mattress in Bradford the marks are bed bug poo which is digested blood from a human .We carry out pest control in Keighley and surrounding areas- call us foe effective bed bug pest control,